BANDA ACEH - Member of the Banda Aceh City People's Legislative Council (DPRK) Musriadi asked the Banda Aceh City Government to be serious about resolving the problem of homeless people and beggars (beggars) as well as street children who are spreading again in the provincial capital of Aceh.

"We urge the Acting Mayor of Banda Aceh to seriously resolve this issue, so that it doesn't continue to be repeated," said Musriadi in Banda Aceh, Antara, Tuesday, January 17.

Musriadi said that controlling needs to be done because these beggars and street children are suspected to be easy businesses for organized groups who use them to seek personal gain.

This can be seen from the increasing number, where almost every intersection and crowd center in Banda Aceh City.

"Therefore, the Banda Aceh City Government immediately cooperated by involving cross-sectors starting from the TNI/Polri, the Attorney General's Office, the Courts, Correctional Institutions (Lapas) to the Regional Child Protection Commission (KPAD) to discipline them," he said.

Apart from that, said Musriadi, the problem of beggars is also an illustration of the problems in Banda Aceh. If allowed to drag on, there are fears that they will continue to grow and cause serious problems in the community, so the good synergy is needed between all relevant stakeholders to overcome this problem.

"Eradicating sprawl doesn't only transport those who beg on the street, but there are actors behind it. This handling must involve all sectors so that it can be resolved," he said.

Not only that, but Musriadi also urged the Government of Banda Aceh through the Social Service together with Satpol PP to immediately uncover this organized beggar network because their existence has often been complained by the community. Moreover, it is strongly suspected of exploitation of minors.

"The act of organizing and exploiting children to become beggars is a violation of the law that can be processed according to applicable regulations, so this should be dealt with," said Musriadi.

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