JAKARTA - Komnas Perempuan (National Commission on Violence Against Women) sent a letter to the Democratic Party to question the allegations of alleged sexual violence against a cadre with the initials DK.

"Hopefully the Democratic Party as one of the supporters of the Act on the Crime of Sexual Violence does not ignore the report against a member of the DPR with the initials DK to the National Police Headquarters on allegations of sexual violence," said Komnas Perempuan Commissioner, Siti Aminah Tardi, in a statement received in Jakarta, Sunday, July 24.

Siti said Komnas Perempuan had received complaints from victims who were accompanied by LBH APIK Jakarta. The role of Komnas Perempuan in this case, said Siti, is so that the process of handling victims can be maximized and their rights are not ignored.

“Don't let this case not be handled properly. This means that the victim's rights should not be ignored," she said.

LBH APIK itself is known to have reported DK to the Police Criminal Investigation Unit for cases of alleged sexual violence. The report is registered with the number: LI/35/VI/2022/Subdit V, June 15, 2022.

The case has now been officially handled in the investigation process based on the investigation warrant number: Sp.Lidik/793/VI/2022, Dittipidum on June 24, 2022.

Siti explained that the Democratic Party is a party that supports the Act on the crime of sexual violence and contributes to efforts to eliminate sexual violence. Because after all it must be equally guarded," said Siti.

According to Siti, the Honorary Court of the Council can take the ball for clarification, although administratively a victim report is needed. This is because it concerns the good name of the DPR.

“Because when waiting for the report, the victim also has concerns about how to make sure that for example the examination at the MKD will not judge or fulfill her sense of justice. And also the first is the protection of victims," said Siti.

DK Soleh's attorney denied that his client had committed sexual harassment as alleged and reported it to the National Police Headquarters.

He said the Democratic Party Honorary Council had clarified the incident which was said to have occurred in 2018 when the DK was still serving as a member of the Lamongan Regency DPRD, East Java.

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