JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) is said to have a bad habit after being led by Firli Bahuri et al. One of them is the frequent announcements of investigations into alleged corruption which are being investigated but later denied.

Former KPK investigator Aulia Postiera said the KPK now has a bad habit after Firli took over as chairman. One of them, the anti-corruption commission often announces cases that are still under investigation.

"The bad habits of the KPK during the Firli cs era: 1. Announcing cases that are still under investigation," Aulia said as quoted from her Twitter account @paidjodirajo, Monday, November 22.

In addition, Firli et al have another bad habit of not announcing suspects in alleged corruption crimes even though the Investigation Order (Sprindik) has been issued. The KPK, continued Aulia, is now in the habit of announcing new suspects during the arrest process and this raises questions.

"Guess what that means," he said.

Furthermore, Aulia assessed that the new habit of KPK leaders conveying allegations of corruption being investigated would make the work of investigators difficult. The reason is that this action is considered to threaten the work of prosecution because the related parties have the potential to eliminate the evidence they have.

Thus, these bad habits made Aulia wonder if the KPK really wanted to work or was it just looking for a sensation.

"Announcing a case that is still under investigation will certainly make it difficult for investigators who are still working to find sufficient preliminary evidence. The parties involved have the potential to eliminate evidence," he said.

"Or the goal is just to make a sensation that the KPK is still working," added the former employee.

For information, there are currently a number of investigations being carried out by the anti-corruption commission that are open to the public. One of them is related to the implementation of Formula E in DKI Jakarta and the construction of luxury toilets in Bekasi Regency, West Java.

Regarding this allegation, Acting Spokesperson for the KPK for Enforcement, Ali Fikri, said that his party had never divulged the substance of the investigation that was being carried out by his party. Even if there is information circulating related to the investigation of a case, it is confirmed by an external anti-corruption commission.

"In the investigation stage, information that comes to the public often comes from related parties. Even in an open investigation, the KPK has never announced or conveyed to the public the substance of the case," said Ali.

He said the KPK always upholds the principle of transparency in doing its work. However, Ali said that confidentiality in the investigation process must be maintained, especially regarding information that cannot be disclosed to the public.

This is done so that the handling of corruption cases is not disrupted while at the same time maintaining the confidentiality of the reporting party. Moreover, these investigations usually come from public reports.

"Most of the estuaries of investigations at the KPK certainly come from public reports," said Ali.

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