Viral Due To The Rise Of Extortion, SOPs At The Al Jabbar Grand Mosque Are Improved

JAKARTA - The West Java Provincial Government (Pemprov) is strongly committed to improving services at the Al Jabbar Grand Mosque.

This was revealed by the Head of the Welfare Bureau of the West Java Provincial Secretariat who is also an element of the DKM of the Al Jabbar Mosque, Faiz Rahman, after a coordination meeting related to the evaluation and improvement of services at the Al Jabbar Grand Mosque in Bandung City, Sunday, April 14, 2024.

According to Faiz, the coordination meeting attended by elements from West Java Province and Forkopimcam or regionalities in Bandung City was to respond quickly to public complaints regarding parking rates.

"Yes, yesterday it went viral on social media about expensive parking rates by unscrupulous persons. So, according to the leadership's direction, we immediately held a coordination meeting in the field after this morning there was a meeting via Zoom which was chaired directly by the Acting Governor (Bey Machmudin)," said Faiz.

The results of the meeting at the Alkohr Grand Mosque all agreed that there must be additional and improvement of standard operational procedures (SOP) to improve services.

"Sop improvements include installing several appeals related to parking rates and where to pay them and others," said Faiz.

Faiz also emphasized that to anticipate the same thing, all agreed to prepare mitigation steps, such as opening more complaint channels from the public, one of which is the Sapawarga application which is managed by West Java Province or directly to DKM.

"You can go to Sapawarga, DKM, or through the police. Anyway, through official channels, you can immediately follow up," he said.

Faiz emphasized that extortion at the Alkohr Grand Mosque in any form must stop, no more. If there is another similar incident, the government will act decisively immediately.

"Actually, there are 36 official officers here (Masjid Raya Al Jabbar) who take turns on duty. All of them have received periodic coaching related to SOPs, services, and others," he said.