How Much Is Komeng's Salary If He Is A Member Of The DPD? This Is The Allowance And Basic Wage Received

YOGYAKARTA The country's senior comedian, Komeng, is currently the subject of discussion after he ran for the Regional Representative Council (DPD) in West Java. In fact, the results of the votes acquired by the man with the real name Alfiansyah Bustomi are currently superior in the preliminary calculation of the West Java DPD ballot letter. Then how much is Komeng's salary if he is a member of the DPD?

The amount of salary received by members of the Regional Representative Council (DPD) refers to Government Regulation (PP) Number 58 of 2008 concerning financial and administrative rights for the Chair, Deputy Chair, Member of the Regional Representative Council (DPD), as well as the former Chair, Deputy Chair, and Member of the DPD along with their widows or widowers.

The PP explains that the financial and administrative rights of DPD members are in line with the financial and administrative rights of members of the House of Representatives (DPR). This means that the salaries of DPD and DPR members are equivalent to the applicable laws.

Meanwhile, the large basic salary and allowances received by members of the DPR are specifically regulated in several official documents, such as the Circular (SE) of the Secretariat General of the DPR RI and the Letter of the Minister of Finance. From the letter, it is known that the basic salary received by members of the DPR is not the same because it depends on the position, while the allowances received are adjusted to the positions held.

The basic salary received by members of the DPR and allowances is regulated in the SE Secretariat General of the DPR RI No.KU.00/914/DPR RI/XII/2010 and in the Letter of the Minister of Finance number S-520/MK.02/2015. Not only that, the amount of salary has also been stated in PP Number 75 of 2000.

From the existing regulations, the principal salary of the Speaker of the DPR is IDR 5,040,000, while the basic salary of the Deputy Speaker of the DPR is IDR 4,620,000. Members of the DPR will receive a basic salary of IDR 4,200,000.

This means that both the Chairperson, Deputy Chair, and DPD members will also receive the same salary as previously stated.

If comedian Komeng succeeds in becoming a DPD member, he will receive various allowances ranging from attached allowances, other allowances, and travel expenses.

Not only that, but the celebrity Komeng as a member of the DPD is also entitled to various facilities, one of which is to get a budget for the maintenance of his office and equipment.

In addition to the amount of Komeng's salary if he is a member of the DPD, visit VOI.ID to get other interesting information.