Viral! Directional Guideboard On Pamulang-Cinere Toll Road Collapses

JAKARTA - Viral video recording a pointing board that collapsed on the Pamulang-Cinere Toll Road, South Tangerang.

The viral video was originally uploaded by the Instagram account @aya****.

In the video, a pointing board appears to have collapsed at the toll road exit intersection.

Until now, it is not known exactly how many kilometers (KM) the pointer board collapsed.

Based on the video uploaded by Instagram user @aya****, the board collapsed due to strong winds that hit the toll road area.

Luckily, there were no casualties in the incident and the condition of the toll road was not crowded.

"Innalilahi, after a few seconds, the new toll road sign Pamulang wants to go to Cinere fell in front of our eyes. Qadarullah wants to be as solid as possible, the construction can still collapse and thank God we are safe in the car," wrote the video account Instagram @aya*****, on Tuesday, February 6.

Related to this, the VOI editorial team has also contacted Jasa Marga as the related Toll Road Business Entity.

Jasa Marga admitted that it would provide further information about the incident.

"It is being asked for information, please be patient," said Jasa Marga's short message to VOI.