
JAKARTA Meta launched the latest software for Ray-Ban Meta smart glasses. There are several new features Meta has added to this update, including Live AI and Shazam app integration.

Live AI is a feature that can maximize communication between Meta AI and users of Ray-Ban Meta smart glasses. With this feature, Meta AI can access the camera and see what users are looking at continuously.

This ability makes Meta AI more natural in communicating and better understands the topics it users put forward. In addition, Live AI can discuss anything from previous conversation sessions to interruption conversations without saying 'Hi Meta'.

"(You can) interrupt at any time to ask further questions or change the topic. In the end, the AI will immediately, at the right time, provide useful advice even before you ask," Meta said via its official website.

Meta also adds a live translation feature in this v11 software. Direct translation is a feature that can provide real-time translations between English and Spanish, French, or Italian in text and audio.

"When you talk to someone who spoke to one of the three languages, you will hear what they say in English through an eyeglass open ear loudspeaker or viewed as a transcript on your phone, and vice versa," explains Meta.

Lastly is the integration of the Shazam application which makes it easier for users to listen to songs. Users can also ask songs in real-time and Meta AI will direct users to the Shazam application according to the song they are looking for.

For example, when a user is in a city park and hears an interesting song, they can ask a question like, "Hi, Meta. What song is this?" Meta will detect a song its users are listening to and display the appropriate song on Shazam.

The English, Chinese, Japanese, Arabic, and French versions are automatically generated by the AI. So there may still be inaccuracies in translating, please always see Indonesian as our main language. (system supported by DigitalSiber.id)