JAKARTA - Warganet dragged the name of telematics expert Roy Suryo to analyze the authenticity of a woman in a porn video who is said to resemble the artist Gisella Anastasia or Gisel. The result is that 72 to 74 percent have similarities between the ex-wife of Gading Marten and the female figure in the porn video.
"Scientifically and scientifically, the level of similarity is still below 75 percent, to be precise it is between 72 and 74 percent with software," said Roy Suryo in a written statement to VOI, Sunday, November 8.
Meanwhile, Roy Suryo uses the "Face Comparator" software to recognize (Recognizer) the female figure in the video. In which Roy Suryo also took a matrix sample of the female figure in the video which includes the shape of the face, eyes, nose and lips as a comparison with Gisel.
Based on the results of software analysis, the level of facial compatibility between the artist Gisel and the female figure in the viral video shows. Even so, he asked the public to emphasize the principle of the presumption of innocence and not necessarily to judge.
"Respect the Principle of the Presumption of Innocence because it is based on the above results, so it needs further scientific testing before it is ready to be used as material that is feasible in a legal case," said the former Democratic politician.
The same result was also found by Roy Suryo, when using the "Face Matcher" (Combiner) software to analyze the level of facial similarity based on the results of filtering photos from various social media.
The former Minister of Youth and Sports also said he was ready, if asked by the police to submit the results of his hypothesis and analysis regarding the female figure in the porn video that was said to be similar to Gisel. So that it can be accounted for factually and get legal certainty.
"This is important for me to convey so that this video case will immediately receive further investigation and investigation, in accordance with the applicable laws in Indonesia. Moreover, with various parties reporting it to the authorities, I am ready to help by providing scientific evidence of the analysis above. , "he concluded.
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