
JAKARTA - A great achievement has been shown to Indonesian athletes at the Cambodia 2023 ASEAN Para Games. Medals for medals continue to be won until the Indonesian contingent is now perched at the top of the standings while getting medals.

However, behind the extraordinary athlete's struggle, there are other heroes who provide support. They are a medical team that always ensures that the condition of every athlete competing in the ASEAN Para Games 2023 Cambodia is maintained and does not affect performance when competing.

One team of Indonesian doctors, Dr. Abdullah Al Hazmy, said the medical team was always alert and ready to provide handling to athletes before, in the middle of the match, and after the match to ensure the athlete's condition remained safe.

Hazmy explained that monitoring the physical condition of the athletes was carried out during the national training process to determine the classification that affected the match numbers. Furthermore, during the match, the medical team consisting of doctors and physiotherapists was on guard at the match arena to get ready to handle things when something happened to athletes.

Meanwhile, after the match, the condition of the athletes is still being monitored and recovering to be able to restore the condition of the athletes immediately.

The same thing was conveyed by the Indonesian physiotherapist Amalia Nur Azizah, saying that the process of recovering the athletes after the match was very important to keep their performance maintained.

"Because there are athletes who compete in many numbers, so one day they can have several matches," Amalia said, as quoted by Antara.

Amalia said that usually athletes make the muscles work harder when competing, especially when competing in several numbers in one day at a time so that they need recovery.

He mentioned the importance of the athlete's recovery process to make the muscles relax again after being forced to work hard during the match, becoming back to normal and ready to be reused.

This is intended so that athletes feel that their bodies feel fit again and are expected to be ready to compete in other numbers with optimal conditions.

The Indonesian medical team consisted of doctors, physiotherapists, and massage teams to help restore athletes faster.

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