
YOGYAKARTA - David De Gea was once the best goalkeeper at his time when he was young. De Gea's name was popular when he started playing under the goal to defend the Manchester United team. What is David De Gea's profile like?

David De Gea performed brilliantly with Manchester United as a young goalkeeper. He is known as a goalkeeper who is difficult to break because he has a quick response and has good skills in parrying the ball. So what is the profile of David De Gea, a Spanish goalkeeper like?

David De Gea was born in Madrid, Spain, on November 7, 1990. This 192 cm tall man is a professional football goalkeeper who plays for the Spanish national team and the Manchester United club.

David De Gea is considered one of the best goalkeepers of the second half of the 2010s. De Gea started his football career by joining Atletico Madrid. Through the academy system, De Gea's good performance led him to appear in his senior debut in 2009 when he was 18 years old.

David De Gea's stunning action under goal made Manchester United interested in holding him. De Gea officially wore the Manchester United uniform in June 2011. He was brought to Old Trafford with a transfer value of ~18.5 million to replace the previous goalkeeper, Edwin Van der Sar.

The following is David De Gea's career as a professional goalkeeper in the world of football:

That's David De Gea's profile review, who was once the best young goalkeeper of his time. Until now De Gea is still playing for Manchester United.

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