
JAKARTA - Jetour has officially debuted in the country's market by introducing two models, namely Dashing and X70 Plus at the 2024 Gaikindo Indonesia International Auto Show (GIIAS) some time ago.

Then, the Chinese manufacturer officially sold the two SUVs last November for IDR 398.8 million to IDR 420.8 million for Dashing and IDR 414.8 million for IDR 448.8 million for the X70 Plus 7-seater model.

In addition to marketing the two models in Indonesia, this brand also ensures that aftersales services in Indonesia are adequate after the launch of its first two showrooms, namely Pluit and Kelapa Gading.

Presiden Direktur PT Jetour Motor Indonesia, senjak Yang pihaknya menyediakan layanan purnajual 4S, yakni Sales, Spare Parts, Service, dan Survey sekaligus mengkukukutkan komitmen perusahaan di autotif nasional.

"We have proven the quality and attractiveness of our products in the international market, as well as the Purnajual program which always understands the mobility needs of the Indonesian people," said forced Yang in his statement, Sunday, December 15.

He also added that his party will try to add 100 showroom networks of services in various cities in Indonesia in the next five years which are also in line with the company's strategic planning.

"As part of the company's strategic plan, JETOUR presents reliable after-sales services and in the next five years strives to expand the showroom network by 100 pieces in various cities in Indonesia," added border Yang.

In addition to increasing showrooms in Indonesia, manufacturers also offer engine guarantees of up to ten years or 1,000,000 km and vehicle guarantees for six years without a distance limit.

In addition, Jetour users also get free service for three years which includes services and spare parts replacement, 1,000 liters of free gasoline, and free insurance for two years.

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