
JAKARTA - Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs (Menko Polhukam) Mahfud MD agrees that not all government policies in dealing with COVID-19 can be accepted. Mahfud invited all parties to express their aspirations as an effort to save the community in the midst of a pandemic.

"Of course, not all of the policies and steps taken by the government can be accepted by the community. Therefore, within that framework, looking for a common way, please convey your aspirations," Mahfud said in a video caption that was shown on the Kemenko Polhukam RI YouTube, Friday. , July 23.

Mahfud explained that so far the government has continued to try to handle the spread of COVID-19 in the country openly and through analysis and scientific methods. However, not infrequently there are many differences in the process of determining policies.

"There are those who agree, there are those who are against, there are those who provide other alternatives, and there are even dilemmas that we really feel in dealing with COVID," he said.

One of the dilemmas faced, said Mahfud, was when the government was faced with the choice of restricting community activities. The government at that time was faced with a choice, if the restrictions were too tight, life and the economy would become difficult for the people.

Thus, a decision was finally taken from the various opinions that had entered the government. "It is necessary to find the best way and the government of course has to make a decision and has made a decision among the various opinions," he said.

Although he invited the public to express their aspirations, Mahfud still reminded that everything must be done according to the procedure. Moreover, the delivery of input to the public can be done in various ways.

"The official aspirations are written, by telephone, through the media, and through whatever is important, all follow procedures," said Mahfud.

This is important in order to deal with the COVID-19 pandemic and maintain public safety. According to Mahfud, currently nothing is more important than these two things.

In addition, Mahfud reminded the public to remain calm, orderly, and always maintain security in their respective areas. Mahfud invites all parties without exception to work together to solve problems caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.

"Let's keep this country conducive while working together to solve various problems, especially now our focus is on solving COVID-19," he concluded.

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