
JAKARTA - Members of the House of Representatives Commission X consider the resignation of the Rector of the University of Indonesia (UI) Ari Kuncoro from the position of Deputy President Commissioner/Independent of Bank BRI is the right step in the midst of a polemic of dual positions in public service providers.

According to Member of Commission X DPR RI Himmatul Aliyah, with the resignation, both UI and Bank BRI are expected to focus more on providing decent public services, in accordance with the general principles of good governance and corporations. So that people get quality services.

"So the resignation is not only a reaction to the demands of the community, but also a commitment to the implementation of public services as regulated in Law Number 25 of 2009 concerning Public Services," Himmatul said, Friday, July 23. UI's attitude to return to the main mission of higher education, namely seeking, finding, disseminating, and upholding the truth.

Moreover, the explanation in Government Regulation (PP) Number 68 of 2013 concerning the UI Statute states that to realize this mission, universities must be free from any influence, pressure, and contamination such as political power and/or economic power.

"So that the Tridharma of Higher Education, namely education, research, and community service, can be implemented based on academic freedom and scientific autonomy," explained the member of the House of Representatives who sits on the Commission on education.

Meanwhile, regarding the issuance of PP Number 75 of 2021 to replace PP Number 68 of 2013 concerning the UI Statute which does not prohibit the UI Chancellor from holding concurrent positions as a BUMN commissioner, according to Himmatul, Ari Kuncoro's resignation is the momentum to cancel PP Number 75 of 2021.

Because, he said, the new UI Statutes are not in line with Law No. 12 of 2012 concerning Higher Education. Where Article 8 paragraph (1) of the Law states that, "In the implementation of Education and the development of Science and Technology, academic freedom, freedom of academic pulpit, and scientific autonomy apply".

According to Himmatul, academic freedom, freedom of academic pulpit, and scientific autonomy can be achieved if higher education institutions have autonomy in managing their own institutions, both in academic and non-academic fields.

"The new UI statutes that allow the UI Chancellor to serve as a BUMN commissioner can threaten UI's autonomy in providing higher education, as well as hinder UI from acting as a moral force that requires institutional independence," said the DKI Jakarta electoral district legislator.

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