JAKARTA - The bed occupancy rate (BOR) for patient care at various hospitals in Java-Bali decreased on the first day of the extension of the Implementation of Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM).
This was stated by the Spokesperson for the COVID-19 Vaccination of the Ministry of Health, Siti Nadia Tarmizi on the FMB9 YouTube channel monitored from Jakarta, Wednesday, July 21.
"Regarding bed occupancy at the provincial level, the relative decline, although most provinces in Java-Bali are still at the same level of response capacity", said Siti Nadia.
The BOR that experienced a decline was reported from the Provinces of the Special Region of Yogyakarta, Banten, DKI Jakarta, and East Java. Nadia said BOR in West Java and Central Java decreased to below 80 percent so that the initial limited treatment response capacity became a medium-level capacity.
"The increase in BOR utilization occurred in Bali Province, although it was still below 80 percent", he said.
For the province of DKI Jakarta, said Nadia, the BOR rate decreased to 84 percent compared to last week's 92 percent. "With distribution ranging from 78.5 percent in North Jakarta to 94.2 percent in West Jakarta", she said.
Nadia said that almost all regions in West Java reported a decrease in the average BOR rate of around 89 percent compared to last week's 79 percent.
"The highest number is in Ciamis Regency with 90 percent which has 118 beds and the lowest is Garut Regency with 46.7 percent which has 761 beds", she said.
For Central Java Province, there was a decrease from 86 percent to 78 percent, except in Pekalongan Regency which increased from 77.6 percent to 82.9 percent.
Nadia reported that the BOR in the Special Region of Yogyakarta was relatively stable compared to the previous week, except for Kulon Progo Regency, which decreased to 68 percent. However, the increase occurred in Gunungkidul district to 89 percent from the previous 81 percent.
"For East Java Province, most regencies/cities did not experience significant changes in bed occupancy", she said.
Nadia added that BOR in Banten Province was reported to have remained or decreased slightly compared to the previous week.
"East Kalimantan is the only province outside Java-Bali with an occupancy rate of 81 percent", said Nadia.
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