
JAKARTA - The government has officially announced the extension of the policy on the implementation of the Java-Bali Emergency Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM). This policy was delivered directly by President Joko Widodo (Jokowi).

Even though it was extended, Jokowi ensured that the government would always monitor the dynamics of the COVID-19 pandemic on the ground. If within five days there is a decrease in cases, the government will ease gradually.

"We always monitor, understand the dynamics on the ground, and listen to the voices of the people affected by the PPKM. Therefore, if the trend of cases continues to decline, the government will conduct a gradual opening on July 26, 2020", Jokowi said in a video statement posted on the President Secretariat's YouTube, Tuesday, July 20.

Furthermore, the former Governor of DKI Jakarta asked all parties to work together to implement Emergency PPKM.

The hope is that with a decrease in COVID-19 cases, the pressure on hospitals and other health facilities can decrease.

"I ask all of us to work together and work hand in hand to implement this PPKM, with the hope that cases will soon drop and the pressure on hospitals will also decrease", he said.

During the extension of the Emergency PPKM period, the government also promised to distribute medicines for COVID-19 patients from low-income communities. As well as social assistance for affected communities during Emergency PPKM.

"I invite all levels of society, all components of the nation, to unite against COVID-19. With our joint efforts, God willing, we will soon be free from COVID-19, and social and economic activities of the community can return to normal," he concluded.

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