
JAKARTA – The Golkar Party Wives Association (IIPG) has again intervened to successfully handle the COVID-19 pandemic. One of them is by holding a COVID-19 vaccination together with the Yellow Clinic, the Golkar Party. Today, Sunday, July 18, 2021, IIPG held the 12th batch of vaccinations at the Golkar DPP office and was attended by 700 participants.

Up to this batch, there have been a total of around 40 thousand participants who have taken part in the vaccination program which has been held since March 2021. In this program, IIPG also targets young people over the age of 12, according to government regulations.

The enthusiasm of the participants seemed very high with the presence of participants from various circles of society, especially children who attended the vaccination. One of them was a group of students from the Al Matiin Islamic Boarding School, led by KH Ucup Ridwan Saputra, from Sawah Village, Ciputat, South Tangerang. Around 49 students attended to get the vaccination.

The Chairperson of IIPG, Yanti Airlangga, said the event was a form of concern for IIPG and Golkar in overcoming the COVID-19 pandemic that is still ongoing in the country.

“Hopefully this vaccination program will make it easier for people who have not received the vaccine and can receive it immediately. This vaccine is very necessary to maintain and protect ourselves from the impact of the Corona Virus which has claimed many victims," said Yanti.

In the implementation of this vaccination, the committee from IIPG still enforces strict health protocols. Participants are required to wash their hands with soap before entering the room. They are also required to wear double masks to really avoid the spread of the virus.

Furthermore, the participants also have to queue and sit by keeping a distance in the area that has been prepared. The hope is that with an orderly queue arrangement, there will not be a crowd that can actually harm them.

"In this vaccination, we do our best to follow the health protocol, so that the program runs smoothly, safely, and comfortably for the participants and the committee," said Yanti.

The vaccinations carried out by the IIPG and the Yellow Clinic are also connected to the Peduli and Protect programs from the government, so that participants who take part in the program can also get vaccine certificates.

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