
JAKARTA - Deputy Minister of Health (Wamenkes) Dante Saksono Harbuwono said the bed occupancy rate (BOR) of hospitals in Jakarta had started to flatten after a significant addition of beds.

"Recently, the hospital BOR has started to flatten in Jakarta, this may be due to the significant addition of beds and the number that goes to the hospital, hopefully, we hope for the next few days it won't be too massive anymore," said Deputy Minister of Health Dante, quoted by Antara , Saturday, July 17th.

The Deputy Minister of Health explained that there were an additional 1,000 beds at the Pondok Gede Hajj Dormitory, with an additional 300 beds at the Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital in Jakarta. In addition, 300-400 beds will be added in several other hospitals in Jakarta.

In total there will be an additional 2,000 beds throughout Jakarta.

In addition, field hospitals will also be built in Bandung, West Java and Central Java.

Regarding oxygen, Dante ensures that the conversion from the industrial sector to the medical sector is being carried out. Regarding the distribution of oxygen, he ensured, his party cooperated with various sectors including the COVID-19 Task Force in the regions.

The distribution will also be done by digital data collection. Dante asked hospitals to fill out the SIRS digital platform to predict oxygen demand for each hospital.

"So we can carry out this distribution optimally and in a planned manner. So it's not when the oxygen runs out that the hospital screams," he said.

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