
JAKARTA - Volunteers for Jokowi Mania (JoMan), welcomed President Joko Widodo's decision to cancel the paid COVID-19 vaccine for individuals or Gotong Royong distributed through Kimia Farma.

"That struggle has finally been answered", said JoMan Chairman Immanuel Ebenezer, Saturday, July 17.

According to Noel, his nickname, Jokowi's decision is proof that the head of state always listens to the input of his people.

"The president is always with those who have sincerity in their struggles. The loud voice was finally answered, thank you Mr. President Jokowi for listening to us", said Noel.

On the other hand, said Noel, Jokowi's a decision also ends the game of state officials who are trying to make a profit in the midst of handling the pandemic through vaccine sales.

"It's also the end of the brutus-brutus garong (corruptor) party at the Palace", said Noel sarcastically.

Previously, Cabinet Secretary Pramono Anung said President Joko Widodo had canceled paid vaccines or the Gotong Royong vaccine, which was original to be distributed through Kimia Farma.

Pramono said the decision was taken after Jokowi received input and responses from the public.

"The president has given strict directions for paid vaccines that are planned to be distributed through Kimia Farma, all of which are canceled and revoked so that all vaccines remain with the free mechanism", Pramono said in a press statement via the Presidential Secretariat Youtube, Friday, July 16.

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