
JAKARTA - Two men were involved in a duel in Cilincing until one of them died. The victim was stabbed with a knife after attacking his duel opponent with a machete.

North Jakarta Metro Police Chief Kombes Guruh Arif Darmawan explained that the victim and the suspect had been neighbors so they knew each other. The stabbing victim had the initials SK (42).

"The victim and the perpetrator knew each other before because they were neighbors when they lived in Kampung Bendungan Melayu, Tugu Selatan, Koja, North Jakarta," said Guruh, quoted by Antara, Friday, July 16.

According to him, there was a dispute between the victim and the suspect which resulted in the incident.

The incident began on Wednesday, July 14 at around 23.00 WIB. The suspect, YL alias Casper, who was riding a motorcycle that night, passed the victim.

The victim, who was carrying a machete, suddenly slashed at the suspect's head, but was deflected with his left hand.

Feeling threatened, YL ran and was chased by the victim until the suspect was cornered by a wall. The victim again slashed his machete at the suspect but it hit the wall so that the victim's machete fell off the handle.

At that time, the suspect immediately attacked the victim and made him fall with one push. YL stabs the victim

The victim was finally found by his wife who was looking for him dead. Police later arrested the suspect just three hours after the incident.

Thanks to CCTV surveillance camera footage, the incident was revealed. The suspect is subject to Article 338 of the Criminal Code in conjunction with Article 351 paragraph (3) of the Criminal Code.

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