
JAKARTA - Floods in several villages in Antang Kalang District, East Kotawaringin Regency, Central Kalimantan, are getting higher. Especially in the village of Tumbang Kalang which is the capital of the local sub-district.

"The flooding in Tumbang Kalang Village is getting deeper because of shipments from the upper regions. If it's in Tumbang Kalang across it can be about one meter or more", said the acting sub-district head of Antang Kalang, Watmin in Sampit, quoted by Antara, Friday, July 16.

Watmin admitted that he was still waiting for a report from the village head regarding the conditions in their respective villages. So far, only four villages have submitted brief reports on flood conditions, namely Tumbang Gagu, Tumbang Ramei, Sungai Puring, and Tumbang Kalang villages.

The worst flood occurred in Sungai Puring Village because the flood was very high. At some points, the flood height almost reached the ceiling of the house. The local village office was also flooded.


Of the 15 villages in the sub-district, there are 11 villages whose residents live around the Kalang River so that they are prone to be submerged when the river overflows. Many village heads have problems submitting reports because of the difficulty of the telecommunications network, while land roads are very limited.

The sub-district government has asked all villages to increase their vigilance to anticipate the possibility of worsening flooding. The village government was also asked to immediately report the development of conditions and the number of houses and heads of families affected by the flood.

Watmin together with the local police and Koramil went down to monitor the flooding in Tumbang Kalang Village. The flood in Tumbang Kalang is getting higher because of its low position so that it becomes the target of flood shipments.

"The upstream floods descended so that settlements in low-lying areas became submerged. Hopefully, it will recede soon", hoped Watmin.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Emergency and Logistics Division of the East Kotawaringin Regional Disaster Management Agency, Yephi Hartady said a team from BPBD (Regional Disaster Management Agency) went to Antang Kalang District to monitor the flood conditions.

"The team was directly led by Mr. Kalak (Head of BPBD East Kotawaringin, Muhammad Yusuf). I remain in Sampit because I am on duty at the COVID-19 Handling Task Force", Yephi said.

The distance from Sampit to Antang Kalang District is about four hours, even more. The BPBD team will monitor as well as get residents affected by the flood as a basis if the distribution of basic food assistance is needed.

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