
JAKARTA - The Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) appealed to residents of Central Sulawesi Province not to be provoked by false information or hoaxes about natural phenomena.

This was conveyed by the Head of BMKG Palu Geophysics Station, Nur Alim when contacted by the media crew, Friday, July 16. The news circulating in the community about the Aphelion phenomenon where the earth is very far from the sun applies from today until next August, causing extreme weather.

In addition, the Ministry of Communication and Information (Kemenkominfo) has also confirmed that the information is also not true.

"In general, in tropical Indonesia, there is still sunlight that always warms the earth's surface. This phenomenon does not have a direct impact on the weather in Central Sulawesi," said Nur Alim as quoted by Antara.

Residents are asked to be more careful in managing information circulating on social media, especially regarding natural phenomena. So, continued Nur Alim, not to cause excessive panic that would endanger oneself.

"People don't need to worry, because the weather in Central Sulawesi is still normal. We have to be wise in looking at the information, which ones can really be accounted for, and which information is only provocative," said Nur Alim.

Based on the BMKG analysis, the weather in this province is still reasonable. In June-July 2021 the Central Sulawesi region still has quite high rainfall but remains normal.

It is necessary to be aware at this time, namely the people who live on riverbanks and mountain slopes because the rain is still quite intense which can trigger floods and landslides, especially in one area that has a history of being hit by flash floods.

"We should be aware of the potential for floods and landslides by increasing mitigation independently. Facing an emergency situation requires calmness so we don't take action rashly," said Nur Alim.

He added that the weather conditions in Central Sulawesi are not like the weather in general in other areas, because this area is unique because it is included in the non-zoom weather category so it often rains even though it has not yet entered the rainy season or transition.

The BMKG weather forecast for the next three days is valid from June 16-18, for the provinces of North Sulawesi, Gorontalo, Central Sulawesi, Southeast Sulawesi, South Sulawesi, Maluku, North Maluku and West Papua as well as Papua is still raining with moderate to heavy intensity accompanied by lightning and wind. tight.

"Threats of floods, landslides, fallen trees and so on need to be anticipated early on, so as not to cause property losses and loss of life," said Nur Alim.

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