Papua Special Autonomy Law Enacted, PKB: This Is Gus Dur's Aspiration
Gus Dur (Source: Commons Wikimedia)


JAKARTA - Member of the PKB faction of the Indonesian House of Representatives, Heru Widodo, is grateful that the Second Amendment to Law 21/2001 on Special Autonomy for the Papua Province (RUU Otsus Papua) was finally ratified at the DPR plenary meeting, Thursday, July 15.

"Nothing is perfect for our struggle in the Special Committee. But the totality and hard work of the government and colleagues in the Special Committee is a form of endeavor for the welfare of Papua," said Heru, Thursday, July 15.

In fact, this member of the Papua Special Autonomy Special Committee from PKB said that his party's commitment to fighting for the welfare of the Earth of Cenderawasih had been carried out since the era of the IV President Abdurrahman Wahid or Gus Dur.

"As long as the sun is still rising from the Earth of Cendrawasih and the Red and White flag is still flying in Papua, during that time PKB will be committed to fighting for the welfare of the Papuan people. Because this is Gus Dur's dream, who loves Papua so much," said Heru.

After being ratified, according to the member of Commission III of the DPR, it is time to oversee the implementation of the Revised Amendment Law so that it runs as it should. In particular, the PKB, he said, would continue to oversee and evaluate its implementation.

"This is important so that the changes that have been carried out in a long process can really raise the status of the Papuan people," said Heru.

He also congratulated the Papuan people for working together to complete the revision of this law.

"Congratulations to the Papuan people," he said.

Previously, the Indonesian House of Representatives had ratified the Draft Law (RUU) No. 21 of 2001 concerning Special Autonomy (Otsus) for the Papua Province to become a law in the 23rd Plenary Meeting of the Closing of Session Period V for the 2020-2021 Session Year. There are 20 articles that have undergone changes in the discussion of the Papua Special Autonomy Bill in the Legislation Body (Baleg) of the DPR.

In his report, the Chairman of the Special Committee (Pansus) for the Papua Special Autonomy Bill, Komarudin Watubun conveyed the number of articles that were revised in the discussion of the Papua Special Autonomy Bill.

"A total of 15 articles outside the substance proposed by the president, plus 2 articles of material substance outside the law can be accommodated by the government in the amendment to Law Number 21 of 2021. So there are 18 articles that have changed and 2 new articles, totaling 20 articles. ," said Komarudin in a plenary meeting, Thursday, July 15.

The PDI-P politician hopes that the revision of the Special Autonomy for Papua can answer various problems in Papua.

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