
East Jakarta Metro Police Investigators again took additional information from Dewi Ayu Darmawati alias DAD (19), a victim of abuse by the suspect George Sugama Halim (35) in the Lindayes bakery, Cakung area, East Jakarta.

Additional examinations in the BAP of the victim were carried out after the victim complained to the DPR RI.

"I have ordered investigators to call the victim again to ask for additional information regarding the chronology (recidentially), he can tell what it is," said East Jakarta Metro Police Chief, Kombes Nicolas Ary Lilipaly when confirmed by VOI, Tuesday, December 17, afternoon.

This case caught the attention of the DPR RI after the victim complained to Commission III. Dwi told the chronology of the beginning of his persecution by George.

"I want to tell you about the incident that I experienced. So the position, I'm still working. On October 17, at 9 pm. The perpetrator from outside entered the shop, kept sitting on the sofa, then he ordered GoFood. After the GoFood people arrived, there he told me to accompany his food to his private room. Then there I refused, because that's not my job, that's why I refused," said Dwi in the House of Representatives Commission III room, Parliament Complex, Senayan Jakarta, Tuesday, December 17.

Prior to the incident, according to Dwi, the perpetrator had made fun of the victim by saying 'poor'. "Then he also had time to say, 'poor people like you can't put me in prison, I'm above the law.' He had said like that," he said.

At that time, Dwi admitted that he wanted to quit his job but was prohibited by the perpetrator's younger brother. Until finally Dwi made an agreement that he did not want to deliver food to the perpetrators anymore.

"From there I refused, when I refused many times, he threw me with a statue, then threw me with a bench, after that I threw me with an EDC BCA machine, after that I was pulled by the perpetrator's sister. Then because my cellphone and bag were still inside, finally I went back inside, but I was thrown again using a chair, finally I ran away back, the place was open a lot. There I couldn't go anywhere, finally I was thrown again using the goods, then the ending (endedly) there I was thrown with a cake loyang, until my head was bleeding, "he explained.

Dwi admitted that the throw from the perpetrator hit his entire body. He said no one helped at the time of the incident.

"Nothing, I was there alone, with my friends one by one," he said.

After the perpetrator saw the victim bleeding, continued Dwi, George ran back. Dwi can also free himself from leaving the shop. Dwi said that George often abused verbally and physically against himself from September. To other employees, he said, it was only verbal abuse.

"(September, ed) There he threw me a place of solation, it hit my leg. Then he also threw me with a table but it didn't hit," he said.

After successfully leaving the shop injured, Dwi went straight to the clinic and reported to the Rawamangun and Cakung Police until he continued the report to the East Jakarta Metro Police.

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