
JAKARTA - George Sugama Halim, did not have much behavior when he was detained by the police at the East Jakarta Police Headquarters for the case of mistreatment of former businessman Lindayes in Cakung. With his hands handcuffed, George only looked down when he was accompanied by his attorney.

"I made a mistake. No comment," said George before reporters while nodding his head while regretting his actions, Monday night, December 16.

Suspect George Sugama Halim was arrested by a joint team from the East Jakarta Metro Police and Polda Metro Jaya. The suspect was arrested at a hotel in Sukabumi, West Java on Monday, December 16, at dawn.

This arrest proves that the perpetrator is not above the law, as the suspect George alias GSH admitted to the victim DAD (19) some time ago.

Previously, it was reported that the suspect George Sugama Halim finally officially wore a navy blue prison T-shirt with the words East Jakarta Metro Police Detention Center after being arrested and named a suspect by the East Jakarta Metro Police on Monday, December 16, evening.

"Today we are detaining the suspect GSH," said East Jakarta Metro Police Chief Kombes Nicolas Ary Lilipaly to reporters.

A number of confiscated evidences were chairs, statues, EDC machines, and umbrellas. The evidence is an item thrown by the perpetrator GSH against the victim DAD (19), a former employee of the bakery Lindayes.

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