
JAKARTA - PKS DPP chairman Mardani Ali Sera confirmed that his party had communicated with the elected Jakarta governor, Pramono Anung. Mardani stated that PKS would cooperate with Pram-Rano in Jakarta.

"It's been (communication, ed)," said Mardani, Monday, December 16.

Moreover, continued Mardani, the current chairman of the Jakarta DPRD is led by Khoirudin who is a PKS cadre. According to him, this cooperation is carried out to protect and prosper the citizens of Jakarta.

"PKS as the winner of the legislative elections and chairman of the DPRD will certainly cooperate with Mas Pram and Bang Rano as the winner of the regional elections," said Mardani.

Previously, Pramono also admitted that he would invite cagub number 01, Ridwan Kamil to enter the government if he was officially appointed governor of Jakarta elected by the KPU.

"Never mind Kang Emil, I will definitely embrace everything, I have never had any significant problems with anyone, at all," Pramono said after reviewing the fire in Kemayoran, Jakarta, Thursday, December 12.

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