
JAKARTA - Member of Commission X DPR RI, Ferdiansyah, responded to the question of the amount of the budget allocated to the Ministry of Culture (Kemenkebud) which is relatively lower, when compared to the Ministry of Education and Culture and the Ministry of Education and Technology. Saintek.

According to him, there needs to be a change in perspective in seeing education and culture that are actually related to each other as mandated in Article 31 and Article 32 of the 1945 Constitution.

"We have to thank the founders of this republic who put education and culture in one separate chapter in the constitution. Even though they are interrelated, they both have their respective important roles, which unfortunately have not been detected in the amount of the budget for culture," said Ferdiansyah ANTARA, Sunday, December 15.

Ferdiansyah juga mendorong inovasi pendanaan melalui mekanisme 'tax dectible', di mana perusahaan yang mendukung kegiatan budaya dapat memperoleh insinasi pajak.

If the company contributes funds to culture, for example Rp. 500 million, then this amount can reduce the basis for calculating taxes. This can be an attractive incentive for more companies to be involved in supporting culture," said Ferdiansyah.

According to him, if the scheme is implemented, there will be many companies that voluntarily support cultural activities.

He also believes that if there is a 'tax dectible' mechanism, the company will offer itself in droves to contribute.

Therefore, he hopes that in the future the Ministry of Culture can maximize its strategic role with more adequate budget support, both through the State Budget and partnerships with the private sector.

This is important so that culture is not only part of history, but also the main pillar in the development of the nation.

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