JAKARTA - The last debate for the 2024 presidential candidate will be held tonight at the Jakarta Conventional Center (JCC), Sunday (4/2). The debate takes the theme of social welfare, culture, education, information technology, health, employment, human resources and inclusion.
Like previous debates, the location of the debate is always filled with supporters of the presidential and vice presidential candidates. Every debate, supporters of Ganjar Mahfud's couple always attract attention because they are busy and look unique.
In this debate, hundreds of supporters of Ganjar Mahfud have filled the JCC location since noon. They continued to sing and dance with enthusiasm. "Lalala, Ganjar Mahfud. They will definitely win," they sang compactly.
There is also a mandatory song that always resonates every time Ganjar Mahfud participates in the debate. The song was memorized by outside invitations who attended the debate venue.
"Assalamualaikum, waalaikum. Assalamualaikum, waalaikum. Ganjar Mahfud came, brought troops," shouted they were compact.
However, there is something unique about the appearance of hundreds of Ganjar supporters this time. The figure of a middle-aged man wearing a black jacket and black glasses made a scene.
How not, the man is very similar to the figure of Vice President Ganjar, Mahfud MD. In fact, his name was hailed by hundreds of supporters of Ganjar Mahfud and asked the man to come forward to lead the troops.
"Wow, Prof. Mahfud. Here's the progress, lead the squad. Wow, I'm very happy to be encouraged directly by Prof Mahfud," they said with a laugh.
The man who looks like Mahfud MD is named Agus. He is from Cibububur. He said he was proud, because he was considered similar to Prof Mahfud.
"Kaget juga disebut mirip Prof Mahfud. Bengka kalau dipikir-kiranya mirip juga. Sekali bangga saya bisa disebut mirip Prof Mahfud, kawapres idol," ucap pria berusia 59 tahun itu.
Agus hopes that this last debate will become a momentum for Ganjar Pranowo. Because the theme taken is in accordance with his field of expertise while he was Governor of Central Java.
"Wow, the debate theme has been used for daily food, Mr. Ganjar. He must have performed optimally," he said.
Agus also always prays for Ganjar Mahfud to win the contest. At Ganjar Mahfud's hands, Indonesia said Agus would definitely be more advanced.
"He has both been proven to have never prioritized his family, his group, but worked sincerely for the benefit of all Indonesian people," he concluded.
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