
JAKARTA - Deputy Chairman of the House of Representatives Honorary Court (MKD) Nazaruddin Dek Gam said that the DPR MKD had summoned the Chairman of Commission VII DPR RI Sugeng Suparwoto as the alleged sexual harassment act verbally to be asked for clarification. The DPR MKD also asked for clarification of the complainant, namely a former member of the DPR with the initials AAFS at the DPR RI Building, Jakarta, Wednesday 14 June. "Our MKD has summoned the defendant and complainant and we have heard their clarification," said Dek Gam, quoted by ANTARA, Wednesday, June 14. Dek Gam said that both the defendant and the complainant, each of them was asked for clarification for one hour separately, and not allowed to be accompanied by anyone. "Each one hour more, just finished. No one should be accompanied," he said. He said. He said that his party would first carry out the clarification provided by both parties, along with the related evidence. "We will investigate first and the next step we will conduct a plenary meeting to decide the case," he said. Nevertheless, he refused to reveal any questions proposed by the DPR MKD in the clarification process because it is closed. Likewise, the indication of ethical violations. "Wow, we cannot convey here, the examination cannot be opened here, let alone related to immorality, right," he said. He said. He said that there is still waiting if there is new evidence related to the alleged verbal acts of sexual harassment committed by Sugeng against AAFS. Still initial evidence, there may be (new evidence). Later we will see again there may be new evidence or there are other witnesses that we will summon later, "he said. If needed, he continued, it does not rule out the possibility that the MKD of the DPR RI will make a recall to bring together the two parties.

Previously, AAFS Spokesperson Levenia Nababan said that the complainant came to the DPR MKD to fulfill the clarification call and complete the formal and evidence requirements. "The agenda is still clarifying and then completing the formal requirements requested by the MKD, and currently Mrs. AAFS has brought the necessary conditions for the trial," said Levenia at the Parliament Complex, Senayan, Jakarta.

Previously, Monday (12/6), Chairman of Commission VII DPR RI Sugeng Suparwoto said that complaints related to alleged verbal acts of sexual harassment were reported by a former member of the Indonesian House of Representatives with the initials AAFS stemming from conversations via text message in March 2022. "In 2022 approximately in March, while reporting or complaints (to Bareskrim Polri) were said to have been on April 10, (2023) ago. This means that there has been more than 1 year, this is the case," said Sugeng at the Parliament Complex, Senayan, Jakarta.

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