
The National Police Commission (Kompolnas) is monitoring the handling of cases of child rape by 11 suspects in Parigi Moutong, Central Sulawesi.

"Kompolnas ke Parigi Moutong untuk memantau penanganan kasusnya," kata anggota Kompolnas Poengky Indarti kepada ANTARA.

The rape case, which was called by the police as a child sexual intercourse by 11 suspects in Parigi Moutong, became public attention, one of the suspects with the status of a police officer.

Kompolnas went directly to Parigi Moutong to monitor the handling of cases by the Central Sulawesi Police.

Previously, the case was handled by the Parigi Moutong Police with assistance from the Central Sulawesi Police. When the case has been withdrawn to the Central Sulawesi Police.

According to Poengky, the handling of cases by the Central Sulawesi Police is in accordance with the rules, so it does not need to be withdrawn to the National Police Criminal Investigation Unit level.

"The handling of the case is in accordance with the rules. The use of Article 81 paragraph (2) of the Child Protection Law in conjunction with Article 65 of the Criminal Code concerning the repetition of criminal acts. Including three DPOs have been arrested," he said.

Kompolnas monitors the handling of the case and communicates with the Central Sulawesi Regional Police and the Criminal Investigation Unit to ensure that the case is handled professionally with the support of scientific crime investigation so that the results are valid.

Poengky emphasized that members of the police suspected of being involved in the case must be prosecuted and ethical in accordance with their mistakes.

"We have seen the firmness of the National Police Chief who ordered the criminal process of high-star officers, namely Ferdy Sambo and Teddy Minahasa, and ordered the KKEP trial and the results were both PTDH," said Poengky.

In this case, two things need to be done by the leadership/assembly, namely first, providing guidance, providing role models and inherent supervision of members so that members really carry out the Police Cultural Reform as well as possible, and secondly, enforcing the law if there is a violation.

If there are members who violate, then superiors must also be held accountable. This needs to be done in stages to ensure that no member dares to violate the law," said Poengky.

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