West Java (Jabar) Regional Police revealed 56 percent of the total 1,045,517 Indonesian Migrant Workers (PMI) from West Java work abroad illegally.
The Head of Public Relations of the West Java Regional Police, Kombes Pol. Ibrahim Tompo, said that the figures were obtained from 23 districts and cities in West Java and will be traced by the West Java Regional Police's Trafficking Crime Task Force (TPPO). "On June 5, 2023, the West Java Regional Police have formed a TIP Task Force led by the Deputy Chief of Police and its daily implementation of the Director of General Criminal Investigation," said Ibrahim Tompo at the West Java Regional Police, Bandung City, Friday, June 9, which was confiscated by Antara. He said PMI who departed or illegally departed was not carried out in accordance with applicable provisions. So according to him it has also become a concern for the police institution. Since the formation of the TIP Task Force, according to him, it has uncovered 37 TIP cases. Of the dozens of cases, according to him, there are 82 people who have been victims of TIP exploitation.
"Then of the 37 cases, as many as 59 suspects," he said. Based on a number of cases revealed, according to him, the most TIP victims came from Cianjur, Subang, Sukabumi, Indramayu, and Bogor. TIP, namely through companies, agencies, or individuals. The majority, he said, the TIP victims were sent to Middle Eastern or Saudi Arabia. "We did the most disclosure before leaving. Then there are also those who come back, then make a police report," he said.
Meanwhile, the Director of General Criminal Investigation at the West Java Police, Kombes Pol. Yani Sudarto, said that usually the recruiters go directly to potential victims to offer jobs abroad. It could be, he said, that the recruiter is a former PMI who invites neighbors or relatives. In addition, according to him, there are also victims who are affected by TIP with offers of work abroad through social media. Then according to him, it is possible that official companies also have the potential to do TPPO if the end is not in accordance with the initial commitment. "Technically, they usually carry, send victims abroad without procedures, persuade them, seduce, and are charged with debt. Usually given money first, and that is calculated later, how much will it cost, and will later be deducted when they receive a salary," said Yani.
He said the TIP perpetrators could be charged with Article 2, Article 4, and Article 6 of Law Number 21 of 2007 concerning the Eradication of TIP with a threat of up to 15 years in prison and a fine of up to Rp. 15 billion. Then it can also be entangled in Article 80 and Article 81 of Law Number 18 of 2017 concerning PMI Protection with the threat of a sentence of 10 years in prison and a fine of Rp. 15 billion.
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