
TANGERANG - National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo emphasized that he would take firm action against anyone involved in the Crime of Trafficking in Persons (TPPO). He also asked the International Relations Division of the Indonesian National Police (Divhubinter) to cooperate with related countries to find out the syndicates of TIP actors.

"To then find out, existing groups or syndicates may be able to cooperate with groups in Indonesia, so that we enforce the law," Listyo told reporters Listyo at the National Police International Center, South Tangerang, Wednesday, May 31.

Listyo also stated that his party was committed to eradicating TIP. He did not hesitate to take firm steps against TIP perpetrators.

"We will take firm action against anyone involved in it. Of course, the team is currently preparing to start working," explained Listyo.

On the occasion, Sigit hopes that representatives of the National Police abroad can take good cooperation steps. So that when there is a TIP, you can coordinate with the local state police or contact directly to Indonesia.

"And I hope that police representatives abroad can take collaborative steps, both with the local state, and immediately contact us in Indonesia," he concluded.

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