PALU - Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) of Parigi Moutong Regency, Central Sulawesi (Central Sulawesi) said flood victims in the area needed ready-to-eat or instant food logistics because their houses were submerged in mud so they could not cook. "Logistics of urgent needs at this time, because the conditions are still limited," said Head of Emergency and Logistics Division of BPBD Parigi Moutong, Amiruddin, quoted by ANTARA from Palu, Tuesday, May 30. He said that residents had not been able to do much, because mud and wood material carried by the flood were still scattered so they needed cleaning. Reported, Balinggi Jatiah Village, Balinggi District, the worst-affected area due to the impact of the flood that hit on Monday night, road access to the village was still cut off because the wood material was still scattered. "Currently, the Parigi Moutong Government across agencies is holding a meeting to discuss the determination of the emergency response status," he said. Reportedly, from that incident one victim died when he was dragged into the flood on behalf of Ni Ketut Kayun. 70 years old residents of Balinggi Jatiah Village, Balinggi District and found residents in Tolai Village, Torue District.
"The body has now been buried at the funeral home waiting for the funeral procession," he added. Until now, the Rapid Response Team (TRC) continues to carry out rapid assessments or assessments of the impacts caused by hydrometeorological disasters.
Currently, volunteers are also cleaning up residents' houses from the remaining mud and wood material that was dragged by the flood currents, and the traffic flow on the Trans Sulawesi road can also be crossed by vehicles because previously it was cut off due to puddles of water as high as 1 minister. "Unsur is involved in dealing with the TNI/Polri disaster, Basarnas, PMI, TRC BPBD and the local sub-district government," said Amiruddin.
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