PARIGI MOUTONG - Central Sulawesi Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) said three houses were swept away by the floods that occurred in Parigi Moutong Regency.
"It was reported that three houses were washed away and about nine families were affected in Catur Karya Village, Balinggi District," said Head of Emergency and Logistics Division of Central Sulawesi BPBD Andi Sembiring, quoted by ANTARA, Monday, May 28.
According to reports from the BPBD's rapid reaction team, the flood occurred because local river water overflowed triggered by heavy rains that flushed the area from 16:00 WITA until the evening.
The water level is reported to have reached one meter in a number of areas of Balinggi sub-district, and so far no residents have fled.
In addition to Catur Karya Village, the flood also submerged residential areas in Balinggi Village, and reportedly around 50 families were affected.
"The rain is starting to recede, the water condition is still inundating residential areas," he said.
Head of Emergency and Logistics Division of BPBD Parigi Moutong Amiruddin said that currently the condition of the Trans Sulawesi road is cut off because the water is still inundated as high as one meter.
It is recommended that road users do not force them to cross the route, this is done to maintain public safety.
"Two- and four-wheeled riders should postpone their trip while waiting for the water to recede. From the report we received there were no casualties in this incident. We will update information regarding flood developments," he said.
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