
The South Sulawesi High Prosecutor's Fugitive Arrest Team (Tabur) arrested Hamsul HS, convicted of fraudulent investment fraud in bitcoincrypto digital mining with a loss value of Rp5.9 billion.

"The convict was arrested at his rented house, Findaria Mas housing, Tamalanrea Village, Tamalanrea District, Makassar City, this morning by the Tabur Kejari team and the Attorney General's Office after being fugitives from the Makassar District Attorney," said the Daily Executor (Plh) of the South Sulawesi High Prosecutor's Office Muhammad Ruslan as reported by ANTARA, Friday, May 26.

Hamsul HS (40) is a convict in a criminal case of fraud together with the mode of offering victims a fraudulent digital mining investment business in the form of crypto coins to a number of victims experiencing material losses worth more than IDR 5.9 billion.

The convict's actions were found guilty of violating Article 378 in conjunction with Article 55 paragraph (1) 1 of the Criminal Code. And based on the court's decision to obtain permanent legal force in accordance with the decision of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Indonesia number 180 K/Pid/2023, as of February 9, 2023, the convict must serve two years and six months in prison.

The convict is known to live on Pelita Raya Tengah Street I A6 number 8 RT/RW004/009 Ballaparang Village, Rappocini District, Makassar City.

Even though he had been summoned with three summons for execution, he never ignored and fulfilled the summons, making it difficult for the prosecutor to execute.

In addition, various search efforts have been carried out by a team from the Makassar Kejari but the whereabouts of the convicts are not known, then they are reported to the South Sulawesi Attorney General's Intelligence Prosecution team and then determined to be fugitive by the prosecutor's office since the decision to criminalize inkrah in February 2023.

"During his escape as a fugitive, he always moved from place to place to avoid the pursuit and search for executing prosecutors such as on Jalan Pelita, Bili-bili Gowa and Bumi Permata Hijau (BTP) until finally his whereabouts were known after being stalked for three days and three nights at the Findaria Mas housing," said Ruslan.

After being secured, the fugitive Hamsul was then taken to the South Sulawesi Prosecutor's Office to be handed over to the Makassar Kejari executor prosecutor for execution at the Class 1 Penitentiary (Lapas) A Makassar, South Sulawesi.

Previously, the Head of the South Sulawesi Attorney General's Office, Leonard Eben Ezer Simanjuntak, asked his staff to always monitor and immediately arrest fugitives who are still roaming around to be executed for legal certainty.

His party also emphasized to all fugitives who have been assigned to the Prosecutor's Wanted List (DPO) to immediately surrender and be held accountable for their actions because there is no safe place for fugitives.

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