
JAKARTA - Chairman of the DKI Jakarta PAN Regional Leadership Council (DPW) Eko Hendro Purnomo or Eko Patrio refuses comedian Denny Wahyudi or Denny Cagur to return to PAN.

Denny Cagur previously decided to move from PAN to PDI Perjuangan (PDIP).

Eko also revealed his conversation with Denny Cagur regarding this matter.

"Actually, last night Denny met me too, chatting, it's only hard if you want to go back in again because Uya Kuya has been filled in," Eko told the media crew at the DKI Jakarta KPU office after registering the PAN leg for the DKI Jakarta DPRD to the DKI Jakarta KPU, Friday, May 12, which was confiscated by Antara.

Meanwhile, the artist Surya Utama alias Uya Kuya, who officially wears the PAN uniform, will certainly fight for the DPR seat in the 2024 General Election.

Denny Cagur and PDIP will be Uya Kuya's competitor in the 2024 peymulu as a candidate for the legislature (bacaleg) of the DPR.

Eko revealed that Denny Cagur's exit from PAN did not worsen their relationship.

"Last night I communicated with me, just chat, just as a friendship," said Eko.

Previously, PAN had recruited a series of names of artists and their families to become legislators in the DKI DPRD in 2024.

Eko said that several artists were named, namely comedian Opie Kumis, wife of Uya Kuya to Eli Sugigi.

"Here is Adelia, his wife Pasha Ungu, Astrid, his wife Uya Kuya, Elli Sugigi, opa Gala (Haji Faisal), the father-in-law of the late Vanessa Angel, of course, supported by Oma Gala," he said.

In addition, nine incumbents aka incumbent PAN in the DKI DPRD will also fight again to fight for the masses in 2024.

The PAN cadres, continued Eko, are members of 106 legislative candidates who have been registered with the DKI Jakarta KPU. Nearly 34.7 percent of all legislative candidates are women and young people.

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