The Civil Service Police Unit (Satpol PP) of Garut Regency, West Java has alerted a cyber patrol team to carry out operations to curb online prostitution in accordance with regional regulations on anti-acts of immorality.
"We have an enforcement team, there is a cyber team, cooperation with friends of Diskominfo," said Head of the Garut Regency Satpol PP Basuki Eko as reported by ANTARA, Monday, May 8.
He said that the Garut Satpol PP had been holding activities to enforce regional regulations, including raids on the control of liquor, and other public diseases such as prostitution raids.
However, at this time, he said, the results of studies and reports in the field, prostitution practices are carried out online, for this reason, the Garut Satpol PP has prepared a special team to monitor it through applications on social media.
"Prostitution has been a lot online, we have a cyber patrol team, there are certain applications," he said.
He conveyed that the team's work system was carried out behind closed doors by monitoring every application that was allegedly used for prostitution transaction activities.
If the results of the patrol find prostitution, he said, his staff will secretly move, to take firm action in accordance with regional regulations.
"Immediately rushed to the location, we kept the operation a secret, I told you when I was going to do a raid," he said.
He said that so far the results of operations in the field had secured a number of non-husband and wife couples in the boarding house, some of whom did not show ID cards.
In addition, he continued, the operation was not only focused on prostitution, but on other raids such as eradicating the circulation of liquor.
"Operational penyakit masyarakat ini akan terus berlanjut," katanya.
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