
BANDUNG - The Kebonwaru Detention Center in Bandung thwarted the smuggling of drugs packaged in toothpaste by visitors from the family of one of the detainees. Head of the Kebonwaru Detention Center, Bandung Suparman, said that the attempt to smuggle the three types of drugs was carried out by two people. From the failure, it was found that a number of items were suspected of methamphetamine, sedatives, and synthetic tobacco. "There were two people who claimed to be families of one of the detainees and wanted to make a visit. After that, according to him, the officers conducted an examination of the two people. Then after examination and search, he said, a suspicious packaging of toothpaste was found.

Dari penemuan itu, kemudian pihaknya berkoordinasi dengan Satuan Reserse Narkoba Polrestabes Bandung guna penyelidikan lebih lanjut.Dari penemuan itu, didapat sebanyak 10 paket plastik kecil diduga berisi sabu-sabu, 10 butir obat penenang, dan satu batang tembakau sintetis.

However, based on a temporary examination, the two people admitted that the prohibited items were only for consumption by the intended detainees. "He was used, he said, but for further use in which direction, to be used or what, the Polrestabes will explain further," he said., the two of them have now been transferred to the police. Suparman said that his party would also impose sanctions on the detainees who would be visited by the two people because they were suspected of being involved in the smuggling. "So we will definitely impose sanctions, later enter Register F," he concluded.

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