
SAMARINDA - Two people in the East Kalimantan region were detected positive for the new variant of COVID-19, namely Orthrus alias sub-variant Omicron CH.1.1.

"In mid-April 2023, there were two samples of positive cases of the new variant examined at the Mulawarman University Samarinda Laboratory," said Head of the East Kalimantan Health Service (Dinkes), dr. Jaya Mualimin in Samarinda as reported by ANTARA, Friday, April 28.

However, Jaya appealed to the public not to panic in the face of the spread of the new variant of COVID-19.

The Orthrus variant has mild symptoms. Exposure to the Orthrus variant can be avoided by re-implementing health protocols in a disciplined manner. Because this type of variant is quickly transmitted to others.

"Still have to be careful. Those who cough and close contact wear masks, complete COVID-19 vaccination, and don't forget to maintain body stamina. Exercise is sufficient, as well as eating and drinking in balance," he said.

Jaya explained that each variant of this COVID-19 handling is actually the same. It depends on the condition of the confirmed person.

If the symptoms are severe, they must be treated, but if they are light enough, they only undergo self-isolation.

As of Thursday (27/4) there was an increase of 25 people who were confirmed to have COVID-19. This condition makes the City of Balikpapan enter the orange zone.

"Hopefully in East Kalimantan there will be no more significant spike in cases, let's tighten the health protocols in their respective environments," said Jaya.

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