
JAKARTA - Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy (Menparekraf) Sandiaga Uno welcomed the move by the United Development Party (PPP) which announced the Governor of Central Java, Ganjar Pranowo as a presidential candidate (candidate) supported in the upcoming 2024 presidential election.

"Congratulations to Mr. Ganjar and also congratulations to PPP, of course this democratic contestation has entered its next stage, and the public must begin to socialize the figures of future leadership candidates," said Sandiaga at Soekarno-Hatta Airport, Thursday, April 27.

Sandi hopes that the ideas displayed by the presidential candidates who compete will be able to unite the nation and accelerate development. As well as referring to the direction of development that is better for the community in the future. "This is a good step, but we must really underline it so that it doesn't divide us," he said.

When asked about his readiness if he was juxtaposed with Ganjar as vice presidential candidate, Sandiaga said he was still waiting for the political process in the future. The former deputy chairman of the Gerindra Party's supervisory board admitted that until now there has been no communication between him and Ganjar.

"Not yet, there is no (communication, ed). We are patient first, we respect the process, we will undergo the next stages," said Sandiaga.

Sandiaga also asked his supporting volunteers to be patient waiting for political parties to beat and convey the candidates who will be carried in October. "Residents, focus on providing services to people who really need a better economy in the future," said Sandiaga.

"And everything must be harmonious, acute, shady, cool. Everything must be based on our enthusiasm that our democratic contestation is carrying togetherness," he added. It is known, Sandiaga Uno has said goodbye to resign as a Gerindra Party cadre after it was continuously rumored to join PPP. However, at this time Sandi has not decided to enter as a party cadre bearing the Kaaba.

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