
PONOROGO - As many as two convicts of corruption cases languishing in the Class II B Detention Center of Ponorogo, East Java, are confirmed to receive a special religious remission on Eid al-Fitr 1444 or 2023. Head of the Ponorogo Class II B Detention Center Agus Yanto was contacted in Ponorogo, the two convicts of the corruption case were also proposed to receive special remissions with 175 other inmates who were also recommended to receive a reduction in the detention period from the Ministry of Law and Human Rights. "The total number of inmates who are proposed to receive remission is 177 people, with two of them being inmates or convicts of corruption cases," Agus Yanto said as quoted by ANTARA, Tuesday 18 April. He did not mention the details of the identities of the two convicts of the corruption case, but only mentioned the origin of regional apparatus organizations when they were caught in legal problems, namely officials from the Ponorogo Regency Public Works and Settlement Areas Service (DPUPKP). One of the considerations propose that both of them receive a special religious remission is a period of punishment that has been served, as well as good behavior. "Both cases of road repair projects, have entered the first year of punishment and are proposed to get remissions of 15 days," he explained. As well as explaining according to the provisions stipulated in Law No. 22 of 2022, corruption case convicts are not obliged to attach a fine reduction to get remission. This was different in previous years when still using the old law rule, which requires convicts of corruption cases must pay off fines first to be able to obtain remissions. "The point is that all inmates have the right to get remission unless severe violations are registered in the F file," he said.

The number of inmates or inmates in corruption cases who are currently languishing in Class II Rutan B Ponorogo is recorded as 12 people. A total of 10 corruption convicts did not receive remission because they had not served a minimum period of one year in prison as stipulated in the applicable regulations.

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