
Motorcyclists and private cars began to crowd the East Pantura, Kudus, Central Java route on D-4 Lebaran 2023.

"Today's monitoring results are still quiet, but compared to the previous day the traffic flow conditions from the results of monitoring at the Jati Kudus Main Terminal Pospam were indeed more crowded," said Head of the Kudus Police Lebaran Service Post Iptu Sugiyono when met at Posyan Lebaran. Jati Main Terminal, Kudus, Tuesday 19 April, confiscated by Antara.

He noted that travelers who passed were not only dominated by four-wheeled vehicles and buses, but had begun to see two-wheeled vehicles, although not many.

The increase in the flow of Eid homecoming, he said, is predicted for D-2 Lebaran because Wednesday 19 April, both state civil servants (ASN) and public schools are starting to take holidays.

"We remind travelers to remain vigilant on the road, if you are tired, please take a break for a while to rest. For those crossing Kudus please stop by the Homecoming Command Post in front of the Jati Kudus Terminal because there is a resting place available," he said.

Monitoring of traffic flow on the South Ring Road of Kudus on Tuesday afternoon, looks more crowded than before. In fact, vehicles outside the city, such as B, N, M, A, S, and KB are starting to be seen passing through and above the cabin there are also luggage as one of the characteristics of homecoming vehicles.

The travelers were dominated from Semarang to Surabaya, while from Surabaya to Semarang there were not too many travelers. Meanwhile, motorcycle travelers are also starting to appear, which is marked by a number plate outside the city and carrying quite a lot of luggage.

The traffic flow across Kudus looks smooth, although it is still visible that trucks are crossing.

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