
MAKASSAR - Hazura Indar Faradiba's dream reached President Joko Widodo (Jokowi). This junior high school student in Sorowako, Luwu Timur, South Sulawesi (Sulsel) wrote a story about the environmental conditions where she lives adapting to COVID-19.

The book entitled 'Ceritaku Ceritamu' was originally entrusted by Diba to the Governor of South Sulawesi Nurdin Abdullah. When meeting the governor in East Luwu, Diba entrusted him with the mandate to get his book into the hands of the number one person in Indonesia.

"During my meeting with President Jokowi at the State Palace today, I handed over a book entitled" My Story My Story "which was written by Hazura Indar Faradiba, a grade 2 junior high school student in Sorowako, East Luwu. The book tells the story of facing the pandemic. Covid-19, ”said Nurdin Abdullah as quoted from the Instagram account nurdin.abdullah, Tuesday, November 3.

In her book, Hazura tells of her anxiety about COVID-19. The number of positive cases continues to increase plus there are still many people who often go out traveling even though this could potentially increase the spread of COVID-19.

“Since mid-March, I've been studying from home online. My mom also works from home. The wisdom behind this pandemic is that my mother and I can be together for twenty-four hours, we become closer and can do things that previously might have been difficult to find free time, "said Diba in his book.

Apart from studying regularly and doing assignments from school, Diba said that he also had plenty of time for his 9 pet cats.

"I miss meeting and hanging out with my friends, I keep in touch with them via

whatsapp and sometimes video calls. I also miss my friends at KPBA (Children's Reading Care Group) Sorowako. Since childhood, my hobby is reading, following in the footsteps of my mother and grandfather, ”said Diba.

Instagram nurdin.abdullah

Diba, who lives in Sorowako, 600 kilometers from the capital city of South Sulawesi, Makassar, is a member of the Youth Red Cross as well as the Vice Chairman of the Student Council at his school.

Diba is also a young Taekwondo athlete who holds a black belt. He has presented medals several times at the regency to provincial levels.

The moment when Diba left the book to the governor of South Sulawesi Nurdin Abdullah was also posted on his Instagram.

"My sir is a village child, I wrote a book with 23 children in Indonesia, which contains a viewpoint about Corona and children," said Diba.

"Who made who," asked Nurdin Abdullah.

"I am sir," replied Diba.

To the governor of South Sulawesi, Diba explained specifically about his book. He also asked the South Sulawesi governor to bring his book to Jakarta to be submitted to Jokowi.

"I hope that my book will be delivered and read directly by the President," he said.

Until finally in a meeting with Jokowi on Monday, November 2, the South Sulawesi governor handed over the book that Diba had entrusted directly to the president.

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