
JAKARTA - The Indonesian Parliament will submit a draft of the Omnibus Law on Job Creation to President Joko Widodo (Jokowi). The handover will take place on Wednesday, October 14th.

"Tomorrow we will send it (to the President, red)," said Deputy Speaker of the Indonesian Parliament Azis Syamsudin in a press conference at the Parliament Building, Senayan, Jakarta, Tuesday, October 13.

He said that this submission was in accordance with Article 164 of the DPR Standing Orders, which states that parliament has seven working days to submit the draft law since it was passed on Monday, October 5.

Furthermore, President Jokowi will have 30 days to sign the manuscript and officially the legislation will come into force.

"So that later, when it becomes official tomorrow, the Job Creation Law will be sent to the president, in this case the head of government. So officially this law belongs to the public in a mechanism," he said.

Furthermore, Azis said the draft to be sent to President Jokowi was 812 pages. This at the same time straightens the maze of the number of pages that people are currently fussing about.

Azis said the page changes that had occurred were due to changes in paper size. Currently, the size of the draft manuscript has used legal paper.

This Golkar Party politician also explained that the Job Creation Law has 488 pages containing articles and explanations.

The change in the number of pages, Azis also emphasized, would not change the substance. He conveyed this in response to accusations from a number of parties, including his colleagues in the Indonesian Parliament who said there was a substantial change in the legislation that had been passed.

He even invited those who said there was a change in substance to double-check the recordings and minutes starting from the work meeting until they were legalized.

"For friends of the respected council members who stated that the substance had changed, whether the verses, articles, and contents were all recorded, there were notes. There were notes," he said.

He even swore on his position, there were no contraband articles in the law. "We are not brave and will not include contraband articles," he said.

"We guarantee it with our oath of office. Because there is a criminal act if there are contraband articles," he added.

Azis also swore that none of the leaders, factions, and even the council's organs would benefit from the Job Creation Law.

"I am responsible before Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala so that there is no interest, personal interest, the interest of the group within us, the leadership of the DPR, the leaders of the factions, and the head of the apparatus, in this case the legislative body takes advantage of certain conditions for certain things that benefit certain parties," he concluded.

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