
JAKARTA – Increased sexual desire, especially during menstruation, is related to hormonal changes. Symptoms experienced during menstruation will be different for each woman. However, is an increase in sexual desire when menstruation is normal?

Besides feeling pain in the abdomen or around the vulva, increased sex drive is also experienced by a number of women during menstruation. A number of theories link these symptoms of increased libido to changes in certain hormone levels.

In a research journal Hormones and Behavior published in 2013 found evidence of a link between increased estradiol, a type of estrogen hormone, and decreased progesterone which causes increased libido.

Even just before entering the ovulation cycle, some women experience an increase in sexual desire. The study was published in 2015 reported by Medical News Today. Experts estimate that peak libido is experienced around 24 hours after ovulation.

Estradiol increases in this phase. In postmenopausal women, a decrease in estrogen occurs. This means that estrogen is decreasing but that does not mean you have no sexual desire.

So, can you have sex when you are menstruating?

Whether or not having sex during menstruation depends on preferences and considerations of reproductive health. Some couples welcome the condition of menstruation and sexual intercourse.

But medically, it is necessary to consider the risks that will be experienced when having sex during menstruation. Possible risks include sexually transmitted infections, vaginal yeast infections, and even unwanted pregnancies.

So if you have a preference for having sex during menstruation, it is recommended to use a protection or condom to minimize the risk.

On the other hand, having sex when entering the menstrual phase is actually beneficial. The benefits, first, reduce cramps during menstruation and release the happy hormone, endorphins.

Second, reduce stress and improve mood. Third, shorten the menstrual period and finally, provide more satisfaction.

From the explanation above, it can be seen that it is normal to experience an increase in sexual desire when entering and or during menstruation.

It's just that every woman has different preferences to determine whether the desire will be realized in action in bed or expressed in other ways.

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