
JAKARTA - There are still many people who are reluctant to get the COVID-19 vaccine. The number of false news circulating on social media is one of the reasons. Is it true that the COVID-19 vaccine is effective and safe?

If you are curious, try looking at the experiences of three Indonesian artists who have been exposed to COVID-19 after the vaccine. It turned out that the impact was very significant. This is the detailed story.

1. Indro Warkop

Through Instagram, Indro announced that he had been exposed to COVID-19. "I want to inform you that through my PCR results on June 22, 2021, I am positive for COVID-19. I don't think I've seen anyone other than home this week, maybe my immune system is dropping," he wrote on the verified @indrowarkop_asli account, Wednesday, June 23.

Even though he is elderly, Indro can self-isolate at home because he has been vaccinated and has no serious symptoms.

"Hopefully the vaccine will work to help with recovery and I'm currently isoman in a separate room at home with regular doctor monitoring," he wrote. Indro even recovered quickly, but continued to self-isolate for up to 14 days for the safety of his family.

2. Afghanistan

Afghanistan announced that he had contracted COVID-19. Even though Afgan has no symptoms, he is still self-isolating. "So apparently I have Covid-19 and this is my fourth day," Afgan wrote in English on Instagram, quoted Monday, July 12.

Afgan was not affected by the presence of the COVID-19 virus in his body. According to him, it could be because he had been vaccinated.

Afgan also advised his followers on Instagram to also take the COVID-19 vaccine so as not to get a severe impact when exposed.

"Maybe because I've been vaccinated, so everyone, please get your vaccines, because even if you catch the virus it won't be that bad," he suggested.

3. Chico Hakim

Chico Hakim's testimony about the effectiveness of the COVID-19 vaccine went viral after Chico Hakim's wife, Citra Soeroso died from the Covid-19 virus. The wife died shortly after giving birth to her second child.

"There are still many people who refuse to be vaccinated. Yesterday's personal experience, among our families affected by COVID-19, those who have been vaccinated have mild symptoms," wrote Wanda Hamidah's ex-husband on Twitter, Monday, July 19.

According to his experience, people who have not been vaccinated will actually experience a bad impact if they are infected with Covid-19.

"Those who haven't, most of them have severe symptoms and even died (my wife). Trust me, you don't want to feel what I'm feeling," he added.

The bitter experience related to Covid-19 made Chico Hakim confused, why there are still parties who refuse vaccination. In fact, according to him, the vaccine has a very good effect.

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