
JAKARTA - The Netflix streaming service presents a new Indonesian film titled A Perfect Fit. The film was directed by Hadrah Daeng Ratu and the script was written by Garin Nugroho.

A Perfect Fit tells the story of a blogger named Saski (Nadya Arina) who is looking for shoes for her engagement event. He meets Rio (Refal Hady), a man who is very different from his fiancé. However, a destiny has been presented to Saski in the midst of his turmoil in choosing the love he longs for.

The main plot of A Perfect Fit is inspired by the story of Cinderella and the real world where people often like to wish for something to come true. This story is then translated through the character Saski with Rio.

In addition, Garin also includes many Balinese elements. Various villages and setting places reflect the character of the characters. There is also the Mepantigan culture, namely the mud wrestling tradition.

"(I) only learned about the mud wrestling tradition when I joined this project," said Refal Hady, who admitted that mud wrestling was a new culture he had learned about.

“The story is very interesting because in addition to the relatable romance, this film is also wrapped with so much beauty and Indonesian culture. I was fascinated by the costumes, the language, and of course, the beautiful view of Bali,” said Nadya Arina.

Through their latest film, Garin and Hadrah want to explain how the diversity of modern women lives in a traditional environment. They also hope that the audience can see the culture that continues to develop.

"I want young people to be more literate with the culture we have. It can't be separated from our daily lives. Culture continues to grow," said Hadrah.

A Perfect Fit brings together a row of young stars with seniors in their fields, including Nadya Arina, Regal Hady, Giorgino Abraham, Anggika Bolsterli, Laura Theux, Christine Hakim, Unique Priscilla, Karina Suwandi, Mathias Muchus, Ayu Laksmi, I Made Sidia, and many others.

The movie A Perfect Fit can be watched starting today, July 15 through Netflix.

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