
YOGYAKARTA Understanding others is not an easy task. In fact, we often misunderstand and have an effect on ourselves, for example being pessimistic. Well, according to research, understanding others is called a social perception. In this social perception, we often make the wrong conclusions so that we feel small, meaningless, and even judge yourself badly. So let's not make the wrong conclusion, recognize common mistakes in understanding others.

After opening a conversation with other people, it seems that they often think that the interlocutor does not intensively listen to our words. However, research reported by Psychology Today, Monday, June 12, shows that other people actually like us and enjoy more togetherness than we think. It's important to understand, it doesn't make sense that we hope everyone likes us. This means it is necessary to ignore concerns about how positive or negative other people think and just enjoy the ongoing conversation.

Many people think that they are alone in public places, for example in public transportation, rather than opening up chats with strangers next to you. In a study, researchers encouraged train or bus passengers to talk to fellow passengers rather than alone. Because talking to strangers is considered happier and enjoys a good journey for both introverts and extroverts.

Do you often feel discouraged after giving speeches or presentations in front of clients? This often makes us overthinking about how imperfect your presentation is. But it turns out, other people don't focus on imperfections.

When we experience failure or being knocked down stairs, it often makes us ashamed. This is because we think other people judge us negatively. In fact, according to research, this shows fear or excessive concern. In fact, this happens because we tend to focus on our own mistakes rather than others. So next time, if you make mistakes in front of people, give yourself the freedom you do.

Not every compliment is manipulative. No need to think too hard about how praise is equivalent to overestimating reality. You simply receive praise from others as a result of your hard work. That way, you can connect comfortably with the people around you.

Those are the five things about other people who are often misunderstood. Messages from social psychologists and professors at James Madison University, Natalie Kerr, Ph.D., stop feeling bad about other people's judgments or assumptions. Even though there are times when we need an evaluation to improve ourselves, don't let the wrong assumptions cause us to be discouraged and overthinking.

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