
JAKARTA - Ari Wibowo's wife, Inge Anugrah, believes that the third person issue that causes domestic rifts is not true. Although Ari Wibowo once stated that the existence of a third person was the reason for suing for divorce, Inge and his attorney still believed that this statement could not be proven.

Inge realized that the issue had been consumed by netizens and became a conversation on social media. However, he admitted that his mentality was still maintained and still strong to deal with this issue.

"I am grateful that I was surrounded by friends who are all strong women, and my family also supports me. And pray a lot too, so I'm strong," said Inge Anugrah to the media crew at the South Jakarta District Court (PN) on Monday, May 29.

Inge was also reluctant to take the time to respond to the issues addressed to him one by one. According to him, whatever is done, good or bad, will continue to be used as material for gossip.

"I don't really care. Because I thought I wanted my life to be fine or how his life was a bit, it will continue to be said," said Inge.

Inge prefers to focus on living his own life. For him, the most important thing is that his family and those closest to him know how he really is.

"So, I just focus on myself. The important thing is my family, the closest people I know who I am," concluded Inge Anugrah.

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