
JAKARTA - Ahead of the 2024 Christmas and New Year holidays (Nataru), long-distance train passengers (KAJJ) began to experience an increase in passengers on Sunday, December 15.

Moreover, PT KAI Daop 1 Jakarta has also determined that the Nataru transportation period will last for 18 days. Starting from Thursday, December 19, 2024 to January 5, 2025.

"The transportation period for Nataru starts on December 19, 2024. The number of loyal train customers who have booked tickets to this day is Saturday, December 14, which is 296,000 tickets," said Daop 1 Jakarta Public Relations Manager, Ixfan Hendriwintoko when confirmed, Sunday, December 15.

This amount is 60 percent of the seating capacity that has been provided, which is 743,904 seats or 41,328 seats per day.

"For passenger departures from Gambir Station and Pasar Senen," he said.

"There is still 60 percent of the seating capacity that can be ordered through the official KAI channel," he added.

Ixfan said, since Wednesday, December 4, KAI Daop 1 Jakarta has increased train operations by 17 additional trains or as many as 306 KAJJ trips during the 2024/2025 Nataru transportation period.

The 17 additional trains came from the departure of Gambir Station as many as 12 long-distance train trips and from Pasar Senen Station as many as 5 long-distance train trips.

"Starting Wednesday, December 4, 2024, KAI Daop 1 Jakarta added 17 KAJJ trips, this is to improve services and accommodate the needs of people who want to travel by train transportation," he said.

The additional train is KA 30 F Argo Cheribon for Gambir Station Cirebon Station, KA 7046 Argo Parahyangan for Additional Gambir Station Bandung, KA 82 F Manahan for Gambir Station Solo. KA 80 F Manahan for Gambir Station Solo, KA 7002 C for Additional Gambir Station Yogyakarta relations.

KA 7004 C Additional Gambir Station Yogyakarta Relations, KA 7006 Gajayana Additional Gambir Station Malang, KA 7008 A Sembrani Additional Gambir Station Relations Surabaya Pasar Turi, KA 7010 A Sembrani Additional (V-Slagh) Gambir Station Relations Surabaya Pasar Turi Station.

KA 7016 B Additional Gambir Station Solo, KA 7026 A Argo Merbabu Additional Gambir Station Semarang Tawang, KA 7042 Purwojaya Additional Pasar Senen Station Kroya - Cilacap, KA 7032 Brantas Additional Pasar Senen Station Blitar relation.

KA 7034 Kertajaya Additional connection Pasar Senen Station Surabaya Pasar Turi, KA 7038 A North Kutojaya Additional Pasar Senen Station Relations Kutoarjo Station, KA 10580 Additional Pasar Senen Station Relations Solo and KA 10586 Additional Motis Relations Kampun Station Bandan - Pasar Senen Lempuyangan.

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