JAKARTA Memories of today, seven years ago, December 15, 2017, the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) issued the Palestinian Defense Action Declaration. MUI appealed to all Muslims in Jabodetabek to attend the National Monument Field (Monas) on December 17, 2017.
The state also supported the action. Previously, Indonesia's attitude had never changed regarding the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. Indonesia has always been in favor of Palestine. This alignment is because Indonesia has a commitment to break the chain of colonialism above the world.
Indonesia's alignment with Palestine has been going on since the beginning of Indonesia's independence. The first Indonesian President, Soekarno, respected Palestine by not giving Israel space to establish relations with Indonesia.
He did not want Israel to enter Indonesia, in any celebration, sport or politics. Support for Palestine was continued by other Indonesian leaders. All the support and needs of the Palestinian people are often given.
Indonesia also has a loud voice regarding Indonesia's independence on the international stage. All Indonesian people also support the Palestinian people's struggle agenda. This condition was shown when the President of the United States (US), Donald Trump, was inclined to support his ally of Israel.
Donald Trump was severely criticized for often giving Israel blessings in destroying Palestine. The Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) was furious. They made the Declaration of Action for Defending Palestine on December 15, 2017.
The declaration was made as evidence that the MUI spur had a big influence. MUI was previously an important actor in the Action to Defend Islam against blasphemers in Jakarta, from Action 411, Action 212, Action 112.
MUI then invited Jabodetabek residents to attend December 17 at Monas Square. The activity was echoed to voice the concern of the Indonesian people for the oppression of Palestine by Israel and allies.
MUI is trying to ask the government to jointly pressure other countries to pressure the US. The pressure was put in order to stop supporting Israel to tear apart the Palestinian people.
"(The reason for the action) Donald Trump violated international regulations. Second, Islam is anti-convention, everyone is born independent. And this is an illustration in the opening of our Constitution, that independence is the right of all the nation's children, including that we want to convey that independence is the right of all nations (including Palestine)," said Chairman of the MUI Da'wah Commission KH Cholil Nafis as quoted on the detik.com page, December 15, 2017.
The MUI-style Palestinian Defense Action Declaration reached the government family on the same day as the announcement came out. The Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs (Menokopolhukam), Wiranto, revealed that the Palestinian Defense Action held by the MUI will be fully supported by the government.
All kinds of demands by Muslims on Palestine are being met and voiced by the Indonesian government in the international world. This narrative is because what the Indonesian people voice is in line with what the Indonesian government is fighting for.
Wiranto emphasized that the government did support it. However, the participants of the action were asked not to riot. During that time, the government will facilitate efforts to express the opinion of the Indonesian people.
"Please, that's an overflow of solidarity with the Palestinian people, whose fate is still very sad. The demonstrations carried out also support the policies of the Indonesian government. Please, but don't destroy it," said Wiranto as quoted on the tempo.co page, December 15, 2017.
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